Tuesday 23 August 2011

active sex life is the key to a longer life


An active sex life is the key to a longer life for men only if they are faithful to their partners, a new research has found.

Italian medical researchers have found that a healthy sex life means fewer cardiovascular problems for men.

"What was evident from the research was that men who had active sex lives and were faithful to their partners had fewer cardiovascular complaints and lived longer," the Telegraph quoted Emmanuele Jannini, coordinator of the research, as saying.

"Increased sexual activity produces more testosterone, which leads to less depression and a better cardiovascular performance which means an improved metabolism," said Jannini.

Jannini said the study has revealed that those who were unfaithful had a poor cardiovascular performance because they were "also coping with the increased stress of their infidelity."

She said that an increased amount of testosterone produced during sex was good for men because it burned off excess sugars and reduced the risk of heart disease.

"People who have diabetes especially benefit from a healthy sex life and an active sex life also helps avoid prostate problems for men," she added.

The Italian Society of Sexual Medicine carried out the study

Affairs good for couples

You thought infidelity breaks up marriages? You're wrong, 'coz according to Maryse Vaillant, a prominent French psychologist, "Men who keep mistresses improve their marriage".

In her latest book, "Men, Love, Fidelity", Maryse says, "Infidelity is essential to the psychic functioning of certain men who are still very much in love, and it can be liberating for women."

So if your husband's been enjoying secret meetings with another woman, don't run after him with a knife.

For all you know, it could improve your marriage. Maryse says that infidelity is not, by definition, proof of love. Agrees engineer Charu Verma*, 29, "We practically spend our lives in office, so naturally, one gets attached to colleagues. And why blame men; women too get into relationships of convenience. I work for 12-15 hours a day, and since I don't get to see my husband often, we started having a lot of fights. I needed emotional support, and a colleague helped me out. Maybe it's wrong for some people, but I wouldn't call it cheating. It took my mind off certain things, and my husband and I are doing fine."

Chirag Bhalla*, 31, a CA, feels there's nothing wrong with an extra-marital affair. "Our wives are so career-oriented that they're willing to work in a different city for a higher position. How are we supposed to control ourselves? And if having an affair helps one lead a normal married life, so be it," says he.

But there are those who do think it's unacceptable. "I have to disagree, because it makes a mockery of faithfulness. If a marriage has to be judged by the number of affairs one's had, why get married at all?" asks 29-year-old HR pro Deborah Steele. Sumanta Mukherjee, 30, thinks "Men are programmed that way and can't help being womanisers. It's not true for everyone, though. Infidelity happens and there are ways to reconcile. But if it doesn't work out, why not try something new?

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Top 10 ways to keep your girl interested

How does one catch and keep the attention of a beautiful woman one has just met? Try not to be perplexed as by following these quick tips, you should stay on the right track...

You met her for the first time when you were jogging in the park in your block and so was she. She had dropped her mobile somewhere and you had helped her hunt for it. Now that you are friends, you fear losing her to someone more suitable. Don’t worry as here’s a ready reckoner on how you could keep her interested in you – always!

# 1 Improve yourself
It’s utterly delightful for a woman to meet someone who smells fresh, looks divine and is most articulate. Take out sometime to work on yourself. Invest in yourself – get an education on how to attract women naturally – and that’ll do more than anything else to put you on the path to success with the woman you want.

# 2 Re-align your body language
Isn’t it always the physicality of things? When you’re approaching a woman, remember that your body language is more important than the words you use. Don’t be submissive, apologetic body language and voice tones. Think about how you'd act if you were the “selector” – if you wanted to find out if she’s exceptional enough that you’d want to get to know her better, instead of you being concerned about whether or not she's going to like you.

# 3 Know what to say ahead of time
You wouldn’t want to be tongue-tied in front of a woman. So think carefully about the different ways you could start a conversation, pick your favourite, and mentally rehearse it. Most of the guys I know who are great with women use the simplest of simple conversation starters. "Hi." "What are you drinking?" "Hey, are you from around here?" I realize that these sound simple, and they are. But they're so simple that they're disarming. They don't come across as canned "pickup lines,” and they help you figure out very quickly if the woman you're talking to is friendly.

# 4 Be in charge
When you’re out with a woman and you’re teasing her, she might say: "You're mean... Stop it!" or "I don't like that..." Usually it’s because she's trying to see if she can control you, because she perceives that you are now taking control. When this happens, try shooting something back like: "I'm glad you like it." This is confusing to them. Women may argue with you, but deep down they will respect you and feel more attracted towards you.

# 5 Three more dos and don'ts of body language
Do hold yourself upright; think of how you'd hold yourself if you were the most confident man in the world. Do move slowly, gesture slowly and speak slowly. This communicates comfort and confidence. Do pause often. Stay cool, and pause if you need to in order to keep your composure. Don’t talk too fast or too much. This communicates that you're nervous (unless you're naturally a chatty guy). Don’t break eye contact. At first, you need to maintain eye contact until she breaks it. This establishes, at an unconscious level, that you're not afraid. Practice these tips over and over again, and you’ll notice a big difference in how women respond to you.

# 6 Get numbers smoothly
It might surprise you, but if the conversation is going well, a woman will often give you her number within a minute or two of meeting you. The secret is to ask correctly when you’re leaving. Ask her if she has e-mail, then when she says yes, tell her: “Great, I'm leaving, but I'd like to chat with you again. Here, write it down. And write your number there, too." You'll find that many of the women you ask will just give you their e-mail and number that easily. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

# 7 Be comfortable with awkward silences
Most guys get uncomfortable at some point during a date, and they begin to let their emotions and insecurities get the best of them. They start to think, "Uh-oh. I need to do something to impress her, or say something to make her laugh or she won't like me.” If you begin to feel this kind of thing happening, it's probably time to do something. Get up, go for a walk and move around. Tell a funny story about something that happened to you when you were a kid. Go to the store and look at magazines and make fun of famous people. Just do something! The thing that determines whether a silence was "uncomfortable" or not is what you do after the silence is over. If you act cool and casual, then it won't be a big deal.

# 8 Forget the tricks
Many guys think they need to use “trickery” to figure out something important about a woman. Let's say you've placed a personal ad online, a cute woman replies, she sends you a picture, but it only shows her face – and you're interested in women who are tall and slim. Don’t make the mistake of trying to figure out some slick way to get her to share how much she weighs without having to ask. Just e-mail her and say: "Hey, how tall are you and how much do you weigh? I really prefer women who are slim. Let me know.” That's it. Be classy but direct and you’ll get to where you want to go faster.

# 9 Online attention
The mistake men make online is writing normal, boring stuff and asking normal, boring questions. Instead, when you get a reply, e-mail and ask her for her number and tell her that you're swamped with a million messages from supermodels who keep bragging about how much money they have, and she needs to act fast or you'll be gone. Do not, under any circumstances, talk about lame, normal stuff. This will give you an advantage over 90 per cent of the other men looking for women online.

#10 Don't give in to tantrums
Many women will test you by complaining about themselves. The next time this happens, take whatever she’s saying and turn it up a notch. If she says: "My hair makes me look so ugly,” just reply, "You know, I wasn't going to say anything, but..." Remember, combine cocky with funny and you have an excellent chance of hitting her attraction buttons. If you really want to be bold, just say: "So, what am I going to get paid for babysitting tonight?" Or even better, "Did this stuff work on your dad? Why didn't he spank you more?"
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10 Things Women Do Better Than Men

I am amazed at the number of studies that have found women better than men in various skills. Here is a list of 10 skills where women seem to be doing better than men.

Women drive better than men.

Well this reverses a social myth – that women are bad drivers. Carnegie Mellon University researchers found after analyzing a lot of traffic data in 2007 that men are 77% more likely to die in a car accident than women, keeping the miles driven constant. So next time when your husband asks you to hand over the car keys, just give him this article.

Women remember appearances better than men.

Some would say, “Why not? Don’t women pay all their attention to appearances?” Well, say what you may, but only a loser complains about somebody for being better than him! Terrence Horgan, research fellow in psychology at Ohio State University, and her co-researchers found in a study that women are more accurate in describing appearances after seeing people once. The study was published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Women cooperate better than men.

We can see this everywhere, but still if you want a citation, here it is. A study by Rolf Kuemmerli and other researchers at Edinburgh and Lausanne universities indicated that women cooperate better than men. In the research, based on games played by 100 Swiss students, women cooperated with others almost twice as much as men did.

Women eat better than men.

This is probably not so obvious, for rarely do we notice gender differences in eating habits. A survey involving 14000 Americans, conducted by University of Minnesota, revealed that men are more likely to eat frozen pizza and meat, whereas women are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables.

Women perform better than men in timed tests.

So if time is precious, women are better at preserving it than men. A study by Vanderbilt University researchers in 2006 found that women score better in timed intelligence tests than men. The study, published in the May-June issue of the journal Intelligence, didn’t find much difference in un-timed tests, which meant women had a quicker mind.

Women perceive their relationships better than men.

Talk about relationships and most men will frown. Now you know why – they know so little about their relationships! A Hebrew University of Jerusalem study, after surveying 97 couples in the United States, found that women are more perceptive than men in describing their relationships. The study, published in ScienceDaily, reported that women were much more accurate in describing the perception of their partners than men.

Women communicate better than men.

This is now scientifically proven and acknowledged. Louann Brizendine, neuro-pyschiatrist at the University of California at San Francisco, found in a study that women can process 20000 words a day compared to men’s 7000 words (Louann Brizendine,The Female Brain, Morgan Road Books). This difference, as per Brizendine’s study, is more biological than social, which starts as early as the fetal stage.

Women learn better than men.

That is why girls get better grades in school on an average than boys in many parts of the world. Dr Simone Kruger of Edge Hill University, UK, found in her research based on remote learners that women learners were more successful in sharing ideas and experiences with each other, and hence learnt more efficiently than men.

Women invest better than men.

You don’t believe it, do you? We all know fewer women invest in stocks than men do, but the few women who invest in shares do better than their male counterparts. A study by the National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC) for the University of California found that women earn on an average 1.4% more than men in their share portfolios.

Women cope with stress better than men.

A study at the University of California, Los Angeles, published in the July 2000 issue of Psychological Review, found some biological and behavioral differences in the ways men and women cope with stress. It found that women tend to seek contact with others and social support when they are under stress, which is a psychologically much better way of coping with stress than the “fight-or-flight” approach of men.

Of course, there are other studies which indicate men are better than women in various skills. The point I want to make is not that women are better than men in everything, but that men should stop underestimating women after being proven wrong time and again.
Something BorrowedPriestLimitlessSoul Surfer 

People who feel cold always life longer

Those who constantly feel cold may have the last laugh because they are destined to live a long life, according to a new study.

Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found a link between lower core body temperature and a longer lifespan.

They also discovered that people who eat less have lower core body temperatures compared to those who eat more.

They suspect that the hormonal changes that conserve energy and heat – by slowing down metabolism – also extend life, paving the way for a pill to increase lifespan, reports the Daily Mail.

The new findings build on decades of studies linking extreme diets in animals with extra months and years of life.

For example, cutting a mouse's calories by 30 per cent can lead to it living 50 per cent longer than usual.

Scientists are trying to work out what it is about near starvation that extends life, in the hope of creating a pill that mimics the process without drastic changes to diet.

The latest study looked at how cutting calories affects core body temperature – an internal measure that is on average 37 degrees Celsius and usually higher than skin temperature.

Scientists gave thermometer 'pills', which record core body temperature when swallowed, to 24 people in their mid-50s who had cut their calorie intake by at least 25 per cent for up to 15 years.

They also gave them to people of the same age who ate normally and a group of long-distance runners.

Those on calorie restriction diets were found to have the lowest core temperatures.

"The people doing calorie restriction had a lower average core body temperature by about 0.2c, which sounds like a modest reduction but is statistically significant and similar to the reduction we have observed in long-lived, calorie-restricted mice," said lead researcher Luigi Fontana.

"What is interesting about that is endurance athletes, who are the same age and are equally lean, don't have similar reductions in body temperature," he said.

"We know that people on calorie restriction diets feel colder than normal people because there is a lower metabolism and lower body temperature," he added.

Fontana said it is not clear whether severe calorie reduction, or something else, is lowering core temperatures.

But he believes a reduced temperature holds one of the keys to living to a ripe old age.

The study appears in the journal Aging.

Image Source: Thinkstock photos/Getty Images

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different languages of love

1. service is a language of love
2. gifting is a language of love
3. sharing is a language of love
4. time is a language of love
5. sex is a language of love
6.attention is a language of love
7. patience is a language of love
8. support is a language of love
9. forgiveness is a language of love
10.non-judjement is a language of love
11.understanding is a language of love
12.mercy is a language of love
13.compassion is a language of love

Girls and Boys


FUN with HANDSOME boys.
LOVE with FAITHFUL boys.
MARRIAGE with RICH boys.


INDIA is our Nation
to hell with our EDUCATION.


Husband apna aisa ho,
Haath mein jiske paisa ho,
Padha-likha who aisa ho,
Door-door tak koi naa uske jaisa ho,
Ilaake mein sabse popular ho,
Husband apna aisa ho !

Nazar jiski achchhi ho,
Din-raat saamne rehta ho,
Par kaam-dhaam bhi kuch karta ho,
Pehle school mein top karta ho,
Phir office mein boss rehta ho,
Husband apna aisa ho !

Pooja-paath se chahe kosoen door ho,
Par apni patni ko hamesha pujta ho,
Har kaam se pehle poochta ho,
Patni ki permission ke bina kuch naa karta ho,
Husband apna aisa ho !

Engineer, doctor chaahe job hi ho,
Khaana banana usse aata ho,
Achchhi tarah se serve karke, pyar se khilana bhi aata ho,
Khaane ke baad, sweet dish se munh jo meetha karata ho,
Husband apna aisa ho !

Din-bhar ke baad raat ko,
Pair patni ke jo dabaata ho,
Kharrate jo kabhi naa leta ho,
Husband apna aisa ho !

Subah pehle uthe jo,
Bed-tea se jagaaye patni ko,
Ruthe jo kabhi patni ji, haath jodkar manaye who,
Chutti ke din kaamwaali ki kami poori kare jo,
Husband apna aisa ho !

Par ye sab karne ke saath-saath,
Husband apna dashing ho,
6 se kam na jiski height ho,
Weight bhi jiska light ho,
Kabhi naa karta fight ho,
Faisla jiska sada right ho,
Jise dekhna world ki No.1 sight ho,
Dimaag bhi superfast flight ho,
Dil jiska pure white ho,

Jiske paas Nokia ka sabse mehnga mobile ho,
Chamkaade har party, har DJ night woh ,
Aisa uska style ho,
Har tarah se jo Hi-fi ho,
Husband apna waisa ho !

Koi ye kavita padhe ya naa padhe,
Sabke munh par ye kehte hue smile ho,
"Ki pati ho to aisa,
Jiska future bright ho…
Nahin to shaadi karna,
Jaise karna suicide ho…!"

The problems with GIRLS

The problems with GIRLS::

If u TREAT her nicely, she says u are IN LOVE with

If u Don't, she says u are FROUD.

If u DRESS Nicely, she says u are trying to LURE

If u Don't, she says u are from CHENNAI.

If u ARGUE with her, she says u are STUBBORN;

If u keep QUIET,! she says u have no BRAINS.

If u are SMARTER than her, she'll lose FACE;

If she's Smarter than u, she is GREAT.

If u don't Love her, she tries to POSSESS u;

If u Love her, she will try to LEAVE u.(very true

If u don't make love with her., she says! u don't

If u do!! she says u are CHEAP.

If u tell her your PROBLEM, she says u are

If u don't, she says that u don't TRUST her.

If u SCOLD her, u are like a CHACHA to her;

If she SCOLDS u, it is because she CARES for u.

If u BREAK you! ! r PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED;

If she BREAKS hers, she is FORCED to do so.

If u SMOKE, u are BAD BOY;

If she SMOKES, she is a GENTLELADY.

If u do WELL in your exams, she says it's LUCK;

If she does WELL, it's BRAINS.
If u HURT her, u are CRUEL;

If she HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!!
& sooo hard to please!!!!!

If u send this to girls, they will swear that it's
not true....... but if u don't, they say u are

How to say " I LOVE U " in 100 Languages ?

How to say I Love You in 100 Languages

English - I love you
Afrikaans - Ek het jou lief
Albanian - Te dua
Arabic - Ana behibak (to male)
Arabic - Ana behibek (to female)
Armenian - Yes kez sirumen
Bambara - M'bi fe
Bengali - Ami tomake bhalobashi (pronounced: Amee toe-ma-kee bhalo-bashee) (THX GVamp!)
Belarusian - Ya tabe kahayu
Bisaya - Nahigugma ako kanimo
Bulgarian - Obicham te
Cambodian - Soro lahn nhee ah
Cantonese Chinese - Ngo oiy ney a
Catalan - T'estimo
Cherokee - Tsi ge yu i (Thanks Nancy!)
Cheyenne - Ne mohotatse
Chichewa - Ndimakukonda
Corsican - Ti tengu caru (to male)
Creol - Mi aime jou
Croatian - Volim te
Czech - Miluji te
Danish - Jeg Elsker Dig
Dutch - Ik hou van jou
Elvish - Amin mela lle (from The Lord of The Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien)
Esperanto - Mi amas vin
Estonian - Ma armastan sind
Ethiopian - Afgreki'
Faroese - Eg elski teg
Farsi - Doset daram
Filipino - Mahal kita
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua
French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Frisian - Ik hâld fan dy
Gaelic - Ta gra agam ort
Georgian - Mikvarhar
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S'agapo
Gujarati - Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
Hiligaynon - Palangga ko ikaw
Hawaiian - Aloha Au Ia'oe
Hebrew - Ani ohevet otekh (to female) (Thanks Morris)
Hebrew - Ani ohev otkha (to male) (Thanks again)
Hiligaynon - Guina higugma ko ikaw
Hindi - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Hmong - Kuv hlub koj
Hopi - Nu' umi unangwa'ta
Hungarian - Szeretlek
Icelandic - Eg elska tig
Ilonggo - Palangga ko ikaw
Indonesian - Saya cinta padamu
Inuit - Negligevapse
Irish - Taim i' ngra leat
Italian - Ti amo
Japanese - Ainutseru
Kannada - Naanu ninna preetisuttene
Kapampangan - Kaluguran daka
Kiswahili - Nakupenda
Konkani - Tu magel moga cho
Korean - Sarang Heyo
Latin - Te amo
Latvian - Es tevi miilu
Lebanese - Bahibak
Lithuanian - Tave myliu
Luxembourgeois - Ech hun dech gäer
Macedonian - Te Sakam (Thanks Eden!)
Malay - Saya cintakan mu / Aku cinta padamu
Malayalam - Njan Ninne Premikunnu
Mandarin Chinese - Wo ai ni
Marathi - Me tula prem karto
Mohawk - Kanbhik
Moroccan - Ana moajaba bik
Nahuatl - Ni mits neki
Navaho - Ayor anosh'ni
Norwegian - Jeg Elsker Deg
Pandacan - Syota na kita!!
Pangasinan - Inaru Taka
Papiamento - Mi ta stimabo
Persian - Doo-set daaram
Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Polish - Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese - Eu te amo
Romanian - Te iubesc
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Scot Gaelic - Tha gradh agam ort
Serbian - Volim te
Setswana - Ke a go rata
Sign Language - ,,,/ (represents position of fingers when signing'I Love You')
Sindhi - Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
Sioux - Techihhila
Slovak - Lu'bim ta
Slovenian - Ljubim te
Spanish - Te quiero / Te amo
Swahili - Ninapenda wewe
Swedish - Jag alskar dig
Swiss-German - Ich lieb Di
Surinam - Mi lobi joe
Tagalog - Mahal kita
Taiwanese - Wa ga ei li
Tahitian - Ua Here Vau Ia Oe
Tamil - Nan unnai kathalikaraen
Telugu - Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
Thai - Chan rak khun (to male)
Thai - Phom rak khun (to female)
Turkish - Seni Seviyorum
Ukrainian - Ya tebe kahayu
Urdu - mai aap say pyaar karta hoo
Vietnamese - Anh ye^u em (to female)
Vietnamese - Em ye^u anh (to male)
Welsh - 'Rwy'n dy garu di
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
Yoruba - Mo ni fe[/b]

Types of Kisses

Angel Kiss 
This is a sweet, comforting kiss. 
Gently and ever so lightly kiss your partner either on the eye lid or right next to the eyes. 

Cheek Kiss
A friendly, "I really like you" kiss. Often the preferred kissing method of a first date. With your hands on your partner's shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek. 

Butterfly Kiss
With your faces less than a breath away, open and close your eyelids against your partners. If done correctly, the fluttering sensation will match the one in your heart. 

Freeze Kiss
Experiment with this fun kiss. Put a small piece of ice in your mouth, then open mouth and kiss your partner, passing them the ice with your tongue. It's an ero*ic and sensual french kiss with a twist of cold. 

Eskimo Kiss
With your faces less than a breath apart, gently rub your noses together. 

Earlobe Kiss
Gently sip and **** the earlobe. Avoid louder ****ing noises as ears are sensitized noise detectors. 

French Kiss
The kiss involving the tongue. Some call this the "Soul Kiss"
because the life and soul are thought to pass through the mouth's breath in the exchange across tongues. 

Forehead Kiss
The "motherly" kiss or "just friends" kiss. The forehead kiss can be a comforting kiss to anyone. Simply brush your lips lightly across the crown of their head. 

Foot Kiss
An ero*ic and romantic gesture. It may tickle, but relax and enjoy it! To give a toe kiss by gently **** the toes and then lightly kissing the foot. It helps to gently massage the base of the foot while performing the kiss. 

Hickey Kiss
The object is not to draw blood, but to gently leave a mark that will prove your interlude was not a dream. This is often included in ero*ic for*play. 

Hand Kiss
Gently raise her hand to your lips. Lightly brush your lips across the top of her hand. 
Historically this kiss was performed with a bow, which showed deference to a lady. 

Hot/Cold Kiss
Get a cold drink and put some in your mouth. Have your partner gets a hot drink and puts some in their mouth. You then French kiss leaving a sensational feeling. 

Letter Kiss
Send your lover a kiss in a love letter by writing the letter x several times in a row at the bottom of a letter such as XXXXX. 

Mistletoe Kiss
Surprise your lover by capturing them with a gentle holiday kiss under the mistletoe.
This is also a good method for shyer individuals to steal a kiss from a potential lover. 

Neck Kiss
Come up behind the person you want to kiss. Lightly **** the back of their neck, then kiss the back of their neck a few times. 

Neck Nibble Kiss
Gently nibble up and down your partners neck. End with a gentle kiss on the lips. 

Nip Kiss
This kiss can create a very ero*ic sensation. While kissing your partner, ever so gently nibble on their lips.
You must be very careful not to bite to hard or hurt your partner. When done correctly, this kiss ignites wonderful sensations. 

Shoulder Kiss
Simply come from behind, embrace her, and kiss the top of her shoulder. This is a sensual, loving kiss. 

Sip Kiss
Take a small sip of your favorite drink. Leaving a little bit of it on your lips, kiss your partner. It is a unique way to create a sensual feeling and your partner will enjoy it. 

Stomach Kiss
Gently kiss and nibble on your partners stomach, and sometimes it leads to other things.. 

Talking Kiss
Whisper sweet nothings into your partner's mouth.
If caught in the act, simply say, "I wasn't kissing her. I was whispering into her mouth." 

Tiger Kiss
Quietly sneak up behind your partner making sure they do not know what you are going to do. Out of the blue, grab them and gently bite their neck. Make sure to get a few good growls in too. This will surely surprise them. 

Tongue Kiss
While french kissing your partner, gently **** their tongue while it's in your mouth. 
This produces a wonderful, ero*ic feeling for both! 

Quickie Kiss
When you're in a rush. Often the nose gets it rather than the lips.

Upside Down Kiss
You stand behind your partner (who is seated or laying down) and have them tilt their head back.
Then kiss them so that you nibble their lower lip and they nibble yours. 
This is fun and feels good because you can feel them breathing on your neck as you kiss. 

Underwater Kiss
Find your partner under water. Embrace and kiss. It's a unique and wonderful feeling. By the time you run out of air, you'll be back at the top. Continuing the kiss is optional. 

Underwater Deep End Kiss
Dive to the bottom of the deep end of a pool. Find your partner under water and begin kissing. Continue as you rise to the top. 

Vacuum Kiss
While kissing open-mouthed, slightly **** in as if you were ****ing the air from your partners mouth. 

This is a playful kiss. 
Virtual Kiss
For Internet lovers. Send an e-card or a kiss via email with this symbol: :-* . 

The Wave Kiss
While kissing your partner, slowly roll your tongue like a wave, up and down.
It can be a little sloppy, but it's a unique feeling and always gets a little laugh when it's done.

31 Ways To Make a Girl Smile

1. Tell her she is BEAUTIFUL

2. Hold her hand at any moment even if its just for a second.


4. Leave her voice messages to wake up to.

5. Wrestle with her

6. don't go hang out with you ex when shes not with you, you might not relize how badly it hurts her.

7. If youre talking to another girl, when you're done talking, walk over and hug her and kiss her; let her know she's yours and they aren't.

8. Write her notes or call her just to say "hi"

9. Introduce her to your friends . . . as your girlfriend.

10. Play with her hair.

11. Pick her up (she loves it)

12. Get upset if another guy touches her and she doesn't like it

13. Make her laugh

14. Let her fall asleep in your arms.

15. If she's mad at you, kiss her.

16. If you care about her, then TELL HER(don't be afraid to)

17. Every guy should give their girl 3 things: a stuffed animal (she'll hug it every time she goes to sleep), jewelry (she'll treasure it forever), and one of his t-shirts (she'll most likely wear it to bed) or sweatshirts sprayed with his cologne!! and flowers or something occasionally.

18. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you're alone.

19. Look her in the eyes and smile.

20. Hang out with her on weekends

21.Kiss her in the rain (girls love this)

22.Kiss her just for the hell of it

23. If your listening to music, let her listen too.)

24. Remember her birthday and get her something,even if its simple and inexpensive, it came from YOU. it means ALL the world to her.

25. when she gives you a present on your birthday, Christmas, or just whenever, take it and tell her you love it, even if you don't (it'll make her happy.)

26. Always call her when you say you will, it may not seem like it, but it does hurt her and makes her think you don't care so call even if you can only talk for a minute. Girls don't necessarily have to have hour long conversations every night but its nice for us to hear your voice even for a quick hello.

27. Give her wat she wants

28. Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.

29.DONT hug her friends or your friends that are girls cause she'll feel left out.

30.hang out with her whenever you are free and u should be free to hang wit your girl friend all the time

31.If u care about her; SHOW her! (totally)
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When all you want is sex

Sex addiction is controllable, according to an expert, who says her new research could help treat the problem by dealing with the issues causing impulsive sexual behaviour.

"When people say `sex addict' they shrug their shoulders and say `it's out of my control''. It is within their control," Stuff quoted Sex Therapy NZ co-director Robyn Salisbury saying.

For an addict, the behaviour is not about sex but more an urge for sexualised relief, she said.

"Out-of-control sexual behaviour is not about the sexual drive, just like alcohol isn't about being thirsty, Salisbury said.

"If people are uptight or lonely they will eat, drink or have a drive to have sex. The compulsion doesn't meet their needs; it's just looking for a temporary soother.

Addicts end up getting a "mindless buzz", which can be heartbreaking for intimate partners, she added.

More than 880 people participated in an anonymous online questionnaire about their sex life and personal relationships for a Massey University honours project.

Clinical psychology student Karen Faisandier said she wanted to delve into the reasons behind out-of-control sexual behaviours (OOCSB).

The online survey questions included whether they engaged in online sex, prostitution, or sex that made them feel degraded.

Many factors played a role in such behaviour, including how childhood relationships with parents mould the way people feel and behave in romantic relationships.

The findings also confirmed previous research that found people with sex addictions were more likely to feel anxious about relationships and avoid intimacy.

Image Source: Thinlstock photos/Getty Images

Delay sex for a better marriage

Today it's common for couples to explore their sexual compatibility before making long-term plans together. But a new study sides with a delayed approach, in which people wait for a deep level of commitment before having sex.

The study involves 2,035 married individuals who participated in a popular online marital assessment called "RELATE." From the assessment's database, researchers selected a sample designed to match the demographics of the married American population. The extensive questionnaire includes the question "When did you become sexual in this relationship?"

A statistical analysis showed the following benefits enjoyed by couples who waited until marriage compared to those who started having sex in the early part of their relationship:

- Relationship stability was rated 22 per cent higher.

- Relationship satisfaction was rated 20 per cent higher.

- Sexual quality of the relationship was rated 15 per cent better.

- Communication was rated 12 per cent better.

- For couples in between – those that became sexually involved later in the relationship but prior to marriage the benefits were about half as strong.

"Most research on the topic is focused on individuals' experiences and not the timing within a relationship," said lead study author Dean Busby, a professor in Brigham Young University's School of Family Life.

"There's more to a relationship than sex, but we did find that those who waited longer were happier with the sexual aspect of their relationship," Busby added. "I think it's because they've learned to talk and have the skills to work with issues that come up."

Sociologist Mark Regnerus of the University of Texas at Austin, who was not involved with this research, read the study and shared his take on the findings.

"Couples who hit the honeymoon too early – that is, prioritize sex promptly at the outset of a relationship – often find their relationships underdeveloped when it comes to the qualities that make relationships stable and spouses reliable and trustworthy," said Regnerus, author of Premarital Sex in America, a book forthcoming from Oxford University Press.

Because religious belief often plays a role for couples who choose to wait, Busby and his co-authors controlled for the influence of religious involvement in their analysis.

"Regardless of religiosity, waiting helps the relationship form better communication processes, and these help improve long-term stability and relationship satisfaction," Busby said.

The study appears in the American Psychological Association's Journal of Family Psychology.

Image Source: Thinkstock photos/Getty Images

An underwear test tells you better

Your underwear is a real snitch about who you are. Take this quiz and find out

Your clothes, bag, shoes and even your delicates are decided by your personality and how you see yourself. Not buying it? Give this a shot —

1 When choosing underwear, what is your first consideration?

- The strength of the elastic

- Whether the lace is Chantilly

- I look for funny messages and patterns

2 Your underwear drawer is dominated by...

- Sensible packs of four in pastels

- Satin, lace and silk matching sets, garter belts, push-ups, teddies, corsets, thongs...

- Cheeky boy-shorts, mock Y fronts, silly things with bows

3 You think chads are for...

- Umm... functionality? I don't spend hours thinking about this...

- Seduction. And for feeling good inside.

- Laughs! Even if no one can see them but me

4 How often do you replace them?

- Once or twice a year. Whenever I snag a good deal.

- After I buy a new dress, I look for something appropriate to wear inside.

- Whenever I chance around something unique. No two chads should be alike.

5 What's the biggest sartorial faux pass, in your opinion?

- Sunday longer than Monday?

- Visible Panty Lines

- There are none! To each her own.

6 Do you take anyone else's opinion on your inners?

- Why would I? People have opinions on that?

- No. But I can assure you the response is nothing less than enthusiastic!

- Me and my girlfriends (and some boyfriends) giggled about 'Pimp' Yfronts for hours.

7 How do you refer to underwear?

- Why would I talk about them?

- A lady calls them her 'delicates'.

- Chaddis!

8 What's your most special pair?

- Granny pants that hold in my stomach.

- Your 'special night' sets that set the pace for the evening.

- An Austin Powers pair that says, 'Do I make you h****?'


Based on your selection of underwear, your personality type is...

Mostly As

You're the sensible sort that runs on functionality. You like getting things done and pride yourself on not being superficial. You like to be described as practical and efficient rather than sexy. But do something for yourself once in a while - even if it's buying a pair of seamless n*de panties for wearing under whites.

Mostly Bs

You take pride in your looks and you'll probably look good at whatever age you are. You are neat and organised, and have a place for everything. Your sophistication is the envy of lesser mortals, even if they don't show it. However, placing your self-esteem solely in your body may not be a good place for it. Nurture your other talents for deeper satisfaction.

Mostly Cs

You're the life of the party and fun to hang out with. You make friends easily with both genders and known for being individualistic. However, check if you are a pleaser — do you get your kicks by playing to an audience? Is it important for you to be universally liked? This might make your self-esteem dependent on what others think of you. It shouldn't be.

Recreated from Mumbai Mirror

Make Your Girl Friends Admire Your Boyfriend!

Admit it or not, but when you fall in love social reception of your boyfriend is more than important – specially among your girlfriends. And isn't it thrilling? Imagine being next to a guy your friends go ga-ga about on the very mention. Here are ten things your girl friends notice about your boyfriend, remember these and you can surely make everyone in the circuit turn green:



Tell your boyfreind to cut down on the tall tales, bragging and other theatrics. No one is really interested in those stories. They may be true, but get real, your friends would be quite critical about him initially. They would scan him from head to toe and in a minute they would know that he is lying. It is also not a very good idea for him to turn on the charm on your friends - he may get their attention, but for all the wrong reasons.

It may come across as if he is trying to hide something about himself. He should get real and plant his feet firmly on the ground. His theatrics may have worked on you but they won't work on your friends.


What has money got to do with love, you would say...but the salary slip your boyfriend gets at the end of the month is actually quite crucial. His bank balance does matter to your gal pals. The best way of getting over this hurdle is to never let them know how much he really earns. Never spill the beans about his plans of buying that flashy car next month or brag about the apartment he just bought. He will come across as an arrogant show- off.

At the same time, he shouldn't look like a pauper, who counts on you to pay the bills. He must avoid the two extremes and maintain a balance. At the end of the day, the two of you have to manage the home finances, not your friends.


It is good to have strong opinions on certain issues. There's nothing wrong in being politically or socially aware, but when your boyfriend meets your friends, it is a good idea to tone down a bit, especially if the discussion is regarding the battle of the sexes. We agree he has a lot of grey matter, but it is not advisable to show off his intelligence. Women too like engaging in serious issuebased, intelligent discussions, but not during the first meeting. For instance: If he has already spoiled the evening with his banter against women's reservation in Parliament, he should refrain from trying to lighten the atmosphere with a sexist joke.


Your boyfriend's friends are important to your friends. Sounds confusing? Let's simplify this complicated theory a bit. Your friends would want to meet his gang of boys for a number of reasons. If they are single they would like to meet potential candidates and if they are hitched, they would want them for eye- candy. But most importantly, whether single or hitched, they would want to meet his friends to see the kind of company he keeps. So if one of his friends tag along with you, when you are out to meet your friends, make sure you get the most good- looking, well- mannered guy in his gang. You never know, if one of them falls in love with him, she’ll be indebted to you for the rest of her life.


"He reminds me of...you know who..." Your friend might whisper this into your ear while smiling at him slyly. It may seem difficult to digest for your boyfriend, but your gal pals will compare him with your ex- lover from the moment they see him.

However, this should not bother him. There's no reason why you or your boyfriend should feel insecure about it. He didn't know the guy, so there’s no question of him trying to score over your ex. He must live in the present and be his usual self and never try to bring up the ex- subject with you. As far as your friends are concerned, they must avoid this comparison as much as possible. In fact, if they do, they should not tell you.


He should turn on the charm only when it is really necessary. Some love- gurus may have advised him to flirt with his your friends to make you jealous, but he must get over it. Jealousy may be the best policy when you are trying to get a girl. But in this case, he has already got the girl. He doesn't need to pester you further and make you jealous and uncomfortable.

Being too friendly or flirty with your friends, could mean a deathknell to your relationship. He should engage them in interesting conversations, give them good advice if they have any problems. But he must not stare at them or cling on to the hottest friend in your gang. Your gal pals would not want Mr Casanova to be your boyfriend. Girls share their deepest secrets, so you can count on them to tell them how your boyfriend stared at their breasts the other day. You would have done the same thing right? So beware!


"You make me want to be a better man." Ever wondered why this line from the movie, As Good As It Gets, got so popular? The change you bring about in the person you are dating is a crucial factor in determining whether you are a good partner or not. Your friends would judge your boyfriend on the basis of the positive changes he brings about in you. If you seem to be happier and more at ease when he is with you, he may have already scored a 100 bonus points. But if you are embarrassed and angry at him for talking too much or ogling at your friends, he's in deep trouble. He should make you want to be a better woman rather than making you want to dump him.


The nose- digging, nail- biting, ogling, yelling and rudeness won't lead him anywhere - and we are not just talking about your friends here. His charm, wit and drop-dead gorgeous looks will fall flat if he doesn't check his manners. He shouldn't be rude to anyone, be it the waiter or the parking attendant. Remember: they are watching him.


Yes, he loves you and cares about you, but clinging on to you in front of your friends may look like a conjuring trick to impress your friends, making it seem as if he is trying too hard. It could even mean that he is one of those possessive freaks, who would pounce upon the guy who committed the crime of merely smiling at you.

We know he doesn’t want to let you away from his sight even for a second, but don’t you need a little space? He should seem affectionate. Throwing a few loving glances your way, during a conversation is actually romantic, but he shouldn’t treat you as his property. Your friends would definitely advise you to keep a safe distance from him.


First impressions last forever. So whenever he meets your friends, make sure he has shaved, cleaned his nose, trimmed his nails, used a deodorant and polished his shoes. The first thing women notice about a man is the way he is dressed. But this doesn't mean he must change his personality. He should be his usual self. If he wishes to dress like a rockstar, let him...but he must appear clean and healthy. If he doesn't keep the hygiene factor in mind, not only would your friends hesitate to meet him, they might even stay away from you. Girlfriends are precious, you don't want to lose them right?

Written By Anindita Dutta Choudhury
Reproduced From Mail Today. Copyright 2010. MTNPL. All rights reserved.

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