Tuesday 23 August 2011

Top 10 ways to keep your girl interested

How does one catch and keep the attention of a beautiful woman one has just met? Try not to be perplexed as by following these quick tips, you should stay on the right track...

You met her for the first time when you were jogging in the park in your block and so was she. She had dropped her mobile somewhere and you had helped her hunt for it. Now that you are friends, you fear losing her to someone more suitable. Don’t worry as here’s a ready reckoner on how you could keep her interested in you – always!

# 1 Improve yourself
It’s utterly delightful for a woman to meet someone who smells fresh, looks divine and is most articulate. Take out sometime to work on yourself. Invest in yourself – get an education on how to attract women naturally – and that’ll do more than anything else to put you on the path to success with the woman you want.

# 2 Re-align your body language
Isn’t it always the physicality of things? When you’re approaching a woman, remember that your body language is more important than the words you use. Don’t be submissive, apologetic body language and voice tones. Think about how you'd act if you were the “selector” – if you wanted to find out if she’s exceptional enough that you’d want to get to know her better, instead of you being concerned about whether or not she's going to like you.

# 3 Know what to say ahead of time
You wouldn’t want to be tongue-tied in front of a woman. So think carefully about the different ways you could start a conversation, pick your favourite, and mentally rehearse it. Most of the guys I know who are great with women use the simplest of simple conversation starters. "Hi." "What are you drinking?" "Hey, are you from around here?" I realize that these sound simple, and they are. But they're so simple that they're disarming. They don't come across as canned "pickup lines,” and they help you figure out very quickly if the woman you're talking to is friendly.

# 4 Be in charge
When you’re out with a woman and you’re teasing her, she might say: "You're mean... Stop it!" or "I don't like that..." Usually it’s because she's trying to see if she can control you, because she perceives that you are now taking control. When this happens, try shooting something back like: "I'm glad you like it." This is confusing to them. Women may argue with you, but deep down they will respect you and feel more attracted towards you.

# 5 Three more dos and don'ts of body language
Do hold yourself upright; think of how you'd hold yourself if you were the most confident man in the world. Do move slowly, gesture slowly and speak slowly. This communicates comfort and confidence. Do pause often. Stay cool, and pause if you need to in order to keep your composure. Don’t talk too fast or too much. This communicates that you're nervous (unless you're naturally a chatty guy). Don’t break eye contact. At first, you need to maintain eye contact until she breaks it. This establishes, at an unconscious level, that you're not afraid. Practice these tips over and over again, and you’ll notice a big difference in how women respond to you.

# 6 Get numbers smoothly
It might surprise you, but if the conversation is going well, a woman will often give you her number within a minute or two of meeting you. The secret is to ask correctly when you’re leaving. Ask her if she has e-mail, then when she says yes, tell her: “Great, I'm leaving, but I'd like to chat with you again. Here, write it down. And write your number there, too." You'll find that many of the women you ask will just give you their e-mail and number that easily. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

# 7 Be comfortable with awkward silences
Most guys get uncomfortable at some point during a date, and they begin to let their emotions and insecurities get the best of them. They start to think, "Uh-oh. I need to do something to impress her, or say something to make her laugh or she won't like me.” If you begin to feel this kind of thing happening, it's probably time to do something. Get up, go for a walk and move around. Tell a funny story about something that happened to you when you were a kid. Go to the store and look at magazines and make fun of famous people. Just do something! The thing that determines whether a silence was "uncomfortable" or not is what you do after the silence is over. If you act cool and casual, then it won't be a big deal.

# 8 Forget the tricks
Many guys think they need to use “trickery” to figure out something important about a woman. Let's say you've placed a personal ad online, a cute woman replies, she sends you a picture, but it only shows her face – and you're interested in women who are tall and slim. Don’t make the mistake of trying to figure out some slick way to get her to share how much she weighs without having to ask. Just e-mail her and say: "Hey, how tall are you and how much do you weigh? I really prefer women who are slim. Let me know.” That's it. Be classy but direct and you’ll get to where you want to go faster.

# 9 Online attention
The mistake men make online is writing normal, boring stuff and asking normal, boring questions. Instead, when you get a reply, e-mail and ask her for her number and tell her that you're swamped with a million messages from supermodels who keep bragging about how much money they have, and she needs to act fast or you'll be gone. Do not, under any circumstances, talk about lame, normal stuff. This will give you an advantage over 90 per cent of the other men looking for women online.

#10 Don't give in to tantrums
Many women will test you by complaining about themselves. The next time this happens, take whatever she’s saying and turn it up a notch. If she says: "My hair makes me look so ugly,” just reply, "You know, I wasn't going to say anything, but..." Remember, combine cocky with funny and you have an excellent chance of hitting her attraction buttons. If you really want to be bold, just say: "So, what am I going to get paid for babysitting tonight?" Or even better, "Did this stuff work on your dad? Why didn't he spank you more?"
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